describes the urge to take one's life into one's own hands and to shape it independently of external influences or supposed limitations.

People with a strong desire for independence want to make it on their own. Success only really counts if it has been achieved independently, preferably without outside help. Therefore, it is often difficult for them to accept support - whether in the form of money, work or connections. In principle, they do not like to commit themselves - especially not to people who want to have a say in decisions.

The focus in the pursuit of autonomy and self-actualization can vary:

Financial independence - People like to make monetary decisions without external control and are also prepared to take calculated risks for which they themselves "take the rap".

Administrative independence - corporate structures with several hierarchical levels and long decision-making paths are a no-go. Speed and joy of discovery instead of preservation, trial & error instead of error avoidance.

Mental / creative independence - The central interest is in living out creativity and realizing one's own life plan.