Describes a clearly defined, overriding value system that determines all thinking and actions.
Every person has his or her own construct of values: An invisible guideline consisting of what is personally important to one, what one is willing to give and what one demands from one's fellow human beings. Values provide orientation and set the standard for what is good, desirable and right. The clearer a person's values are, the more stable his or her actions will be and the less easily he or she will be thrown off course.
Strongly value-oriented people know their WHY, their purpose of existence: they know WHY they do what they do and follow a clear blueprint for the future. It is easy for them to keep the big picture in mind and they do not tend to get bogged down in trivialities. They know the framework in which they operate, know what is important to them and have (moral-ethical) boundaries that they would not cross.
"If there is no agreement on the fundamental, there is no point in making plans with each other." (Confucius)
Shared values within a team (or any other form of organization) are the basis for success and an anchor at the same time: If people agree on the mission to be accomplished and the means they are willing to use to achieve it, they will always know what needs to be done to achieve the goal.